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Calf Starter 18%

Nutritional Characteristics
Feed supplement for bovines in their initial stage, elaborated from soybean meal, wheat bran and corn, plus the addition of macro-minerals (Ca, P), micro-minerals, vitamins and additives (monensin).

Percentage composition
Corn: ~ 61%.
Wheat Barn: ~ 11%.
Soybean Meal: ~ 24%.

Nutritional Composition
Dry Matter min: 88%.
Metabolizable Energy: 3 Mcal / kg MS.
Crude Protein min: 18%.
Ethereal Extract: 5%.
Ash: 7%      -   Calcium: 1.35%     -   Phosphorous: 0.71%
Crude Fiber: 5%

Functional Characteristics
Calf Starter 18% is specially formulated to complement ration from colostrum stage up to 60 days old.
Its composition stimulates ruminal development, accelerating transition from monogastric to ruminant.

Instructions for use
It is administered to calves from the first week of life at the rate of 250 grs per animal and it is increased 250 grs per week up to the fourth week. Once calf consumes 1 kg., offer between 1 to 2 kg. per animal up to the ending of the lactation.
Proper colostrum supply (quantity and quality) is a must.
Breeding should be done hygienically and steady. 4 hs after milk intake, water supply is convenient at this stage.

Pelleted (4-4,5mm diameter) x 40kg bag or in bulk.

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